The Fall Into Silence……………by angie quinn
Breathe the space
That Silence offers
The moments in between the nothingness
Breathe the layers that lie below the
Blanket of invisibility.
These layers
That beg to open
To penetrate the veil
And bare the unspoken
Dive deeper, friend
Peel them, Strip them back
Let curiosity be your ears
Each layer imploding sequentially.
The internal domino energy
Exquisitely, innocently, wildly navigating its way
Deep into the revine of absolute
Listen intently
For the urgency of desire
Craved by the deathly quiet
Pleading ‘willingness’ to concede
Asking desperately for intimated permission.
The life force offers another inhalation
To the fall into itself
And it knows
There’s no availability for
Inauthenticity in this space.
This stillness
Ever so gently
Opening the wounds
With surgical accuracy
Exposing raw unfleshed out emotions
The light, the dark,
Shadows illumined by the courageousness
Of yes And
As the journey presents
Resistance and surrender
Both will give way to more of the same.
The latter, longing to lead
Invites further descent and
With sweet abandonment
Arrives, apprehensively hesitant. Still.
The landing tender in its touchdown
Reveals a rainbow of clarity.
The home of Knowing
The birthplace of your senses
The integrated self
Bleeding with the beauty of aliveness
The witness – the diligent observer
Feels ‘held’
Within the sacredness and
Declares the pilgrimage
Worthy ground for
Peace and solitude
All the while the voice of truth
Whispers ever so eloquently
To the Heart
I am the gift of silence
I hear you