From the Head to the Heart

It’s one of life’s greatest adventures – the journey from the Head to the Heart!


Its an adventure of the inner kind. It often holds many of the same characteristics of the outer adventure however nothing compares to the ecstasy and heartfelt intimacy of the gold that lies within the depths of this soul/sole journey.


The offerings of the external landscape so enticing to our humanness – the planning, the learning, the knowing , the doing, the creating, the joy, the rush – all essential ingredients but reversed within the internal landscape.. The switch to these opposite traits leaves the human vehicle in the unknown, the undoing, the unlearning, the destroying and un-creating of everything that once was a well-cared for and honoured sacred and safe haven. Letting go and surrendering is key here.


A deep dive into the dark abyss of uncovering and discovering the lies secretly hidden in the beliefs. The old narratives with their well-worn paths and walls so diligently constructed to imprison the hurts, fears, doubts, guilt, judgements and conclusions that have long kept us trapped and stuck. Here also, resting in hardened hearts and traumatized tissues are the sleeping wounds of tales told long ago that no longer serve us in our present moment.


Mirrored by the traits that come with the territory of adventure – courage, persistence, vision, preparation and more importantly experience, it takes the inner virtues of patience, caring and kindness, vulnerability, transparency, intestinal fortitude, willingness, honesty, defenselessness, trust and the ability to stand in the fire and fully embrace these somewhat foreign lands.


On arrival, there is nothing to do but welcome the space with gratitude and choose to no longer abandon yourself. Be in acceptance of ‘what is’ arising and meet with curiosity the vastness of emotions that have long been deserted, now laying dormant in anticipation for their final ceremony. Willingness is all you need to prepare for their allowance. It’s not up to you to decide what they need.


To be seen, to be heard, to be felt. Trust the one who knows. Only the thinking mind requires the narrative for resolution. Once out of the way, it allows space for the natural unraveling of the emotions (energy in motion) to play full out. The storyline hungry for more guilt, shame and unworthiness now is exposed by the light of perception. The purging and cleansing of illusions requires you to be in allowance of their surrender. No more feeding the beast and just like nature shows us when you stop feeding the animals they leave of their own accord.


When you stop giving your power to the demons of the darkness you are left with space to create anew and your only job is to be with the space. This new space is necessary to rewrite and re-create your life and allow the infinite being that you already are to come through without distraction of old outdated human conditioning, thought patterns and unsubstantial truths.


Can you hold the space and be held simultaneously? Patience and a willingness to be in the unknown is absolutely imperative here for the new space to come alive. Invite in vulnerability and innocence to guide you towards what is true for you. Let it connect with you the Being. Let it infuse itself into remembering the perfection of your authentic self. The one love that has always been there. Welcome the deep intimate wholeness of truth and engage only in the present moment of infinite possibility. Expand. Call on the power that is within you that knows what is true for you. The Divine, Source, God, The Universe, Holy Spirit whatever it is for you. Send a prayer of possibility and ask for assistance in calling in your deepest desires and longings. Knowing that you don’t always know your own best interests now is the time to accept and trust ‘Thy will be done”.


These chasmic desires and longings are your souls creation of it’s extraordinary purpose. It knows. Allow your Highest self, the God or Goddess that lives within to be the honoured guest at the head of your Table. Extend your invitation to your inner tribe for this inner adventure – the vulnerable one, the trusting one, the all-knowing one, the see-er – no longer the seeker, the one that’s unashamedly loved as perfect imperfection, the innocent one, the wise one. Meet them fully and join in the intimacy of their arrival. Allow them to guide you through safe passage on the path that has been calling you. Leap with child-like aliveness and explore with curiosity and enthusiasm. Stay close. This juicy aliveness is your authenticity fully embodied.


As you step into this space of heart-centered consciousness allow the wisdom to unfold and swallow you whole in the existence and infiniteness of the life you were born to live. Make a demand of yourself to fully show up beyond the separation, beyond the illusionary unworthiness that never belonged to you. Engage and integrate into this outrageous vastly expansive vulnerable heart of yours and claim the majesty of your very own sovereignty. Honour your original intention and claim your divine birthright. It’s all there waiting where it’s always been. Declare your readiness to the world and give new breath to your return. You are Home. The world needs you now more than ever. Now that’s adventure!

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