
Angie recommends the following Authors and Books

  • Nouk Sanchez & Tomas Vieira – Take Me To Truth: Undoing The Ego
  • Erchart Tolle – The Power of Now and A New Earth
  • Wayne Dyer – The Power of Intention
  • Dan Millman – The Life You Were Born to Live
  • Robin Sharma – The Monk Who Sold His Ferari, The Saint and The Surfer & The CEO
  • Sandy MacGregor – Creating Happiness Intentionally
  • The Happiness Trap
  • Gary Chapman – The Five Love Languages (series of books for families, men, children etc)
  • Louise Hay – All of her books
  • Are You the One for Me – Barbara De Angelis
  • Esther & Jerry Hicks – The Law of Attraction, Ask and It Is Given and Money and the Law of Attraction
  • Organising from the Inside Out – Julie Morgenstern
  • Andrew Matthews – Being Happy, Follow Your Heart and Being a Happy Teen
  • Donny Epstein – The 12 Stages of Healing
  • Catherine Ponder – The Dynamic Laws of Healing, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and The Healing Secrets of the Ages
  • Masaru Emoto – The Healing Power of Water
  • Boundaries – Dr Henry Cloud & Dr John Townsend
  • Thomas Gordon – Parent Effectiveness Training (possibility the best book you will read on Parenting)
  • The Making of Men – Dr Arne Rubinstein