Ask and you shall Receive

March 2nd, 2010

I love the power of this – one of my favourite mantras “ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE”. For the past number of yrs probably close to about 10 – 15 I have had miracle upon miracle happen because of my strong belief in the power of this prayer or mantra. I thank my beautiful mother for her faith in this prayer (you can call it a ‘saying’ if you’re not into prayer) and for as long as I can remember as a child she would always call on this one if she needed and instilled in me to do the same.

For so long I have thought I should write all these coincidences, synchronicities, miracles or whatever you like to call them down (and I never have initially probably thinking I would one day remember all of them) and not really understanding at the time that there would be far too many to achieve this. So, here I sit on this day recording them from here (hear) on in.  Apologies to all those I didnt write about previously however I can asure you I was forever grateful at the time of their fruition. Now though as I have learnt to let go of the outcome and to trust that what is presented to me will always be for my highest good they are much easier to recognise when they arrive. NB. It may not always be what I want but it will be what I need. At times I am not able to immediately understand however eventually the message gets through(usually when I stop ANALysing it). Aahhhh, what you resist, persists.

Note here that I am a very optimistic person. It is a big part of my personality. I am a glass half full person and it works for me.

So, the latest example of this is as follows:

I have recently spent time on Nth Stradbroke Island with some friends of mine. They are authors of the book “TAKE ME TRUTH: Undoing the Ego” – Tomas Vieira and Nouk Sanchez. They currently run workshops on this subject and are teachers of A course in Miracles. In June they are holding a 3 day workshop with Gary Renard (author – The Disappearance of the Universe) in Glastonbury in the UK. Because of my keen interest in this subject and these authors I was keen to attend. I was discussing this with hubby  over lunch today. There is much to consider when your wife wants to travel 3000km to go to a workshop (there’s gotta be a catch if you are a meremale, if you know what I mean). However, one of his comments was “Its a pity it wasnt in another country where you havent been so you get to see something different. good Call, that was positive, yep I agree and thought ok will look into that. And then came  “Lets just hope we sell the land – I think that meant well if we dont , then dont think about going at all – yeah actually thats what it meant. So immediatley I changed the subject as didnt really want to go down that track cause I am such a lover of “Law of Attraction” I just didnt want to invite any negativity into my wish. Oh god, though if you know anything about the law of attraction well that was too late so ok need to do some fast work to turn that around now. However, after he had left to go back to work I found myself looking at the complexity or ease of this actually coming to frutiion. First though, “Who am I to think I can fly to the otherside of the world to attend a workshop” followed by 2nd thought “Who am I not to” ( which completely blows my other fave mantra “First thought, Best thought” out the window, but will deal with that one in another blog. Then of course, came the subject of financing the trip and we won’t go there however I decided that now that I had planted the seed out there in the universe lets just see how it all unfolds. Within the hour, my thoughts were heading towards that book I will eventually write “A Quick Guide to Mothers Guilt”  and they went like this. OK, so hubby working, who will look after the kids? Ive just been back to London in ’07 and so maybe its a bit extravegant (first trip 1985 – single white female, aged 21yrs, Contiki Europe Tour – no real memory recall due to level of alcohol consumption at the time),OOPS!!! Its a lot of money to spend, etc etc. OMG!!!!Stopit, Just Stopit right now. OK. Ground yourself, girlfriend. right, I thought. I am gonna hand this one over. What I mean by that is this. Sometimes when we really want something we end up being and doing the very thing that stops it from coming to us. So I put the question to the Universe. In my case it’s the lap of the God’s but I’m not partial to whoever or whatever you want to call it – the Universe,Fate, Spirit, George, etc. I said’ “Ok God, if I am meant to go to Glastonbury, UK and if it is for my highest good then send me a sign. I will trust that whatever that is even if its not what I want to see or hear. I will promise to listen, Amen.” the second I did this I went downstairs to my office. I am currently writing apparently to put a book together and was wondering about how I do referencing and bibliography stuff. I grabbed the nearest book from the shelf and it happened to be “The Healing Power of Water – Dr Emoto” – Great read!!. I looked in the back to see how they did there referencing and there wasnt much to go on. I then thought Gee I havent read this for a long time and continued to open the book up at a random page. Lo and Behold!!!OMG!!!!Guess what the page said – “Chalice Well, Glastonbury”. There before my very eyes was 5 pages of writing on a powerful healing Well in Glastonbury. A full comprehensive guide on the history of Glastonbury. Say no more – IT LOOKS LIKE I’M GOIN’ TO GLASTONBURY!!!!! Thank you ! Thank You ! Thank You!. My heart is filled with gratitude for what is for my highest good. Believe in the law of trust – it will support you, forever and always. So, my friends, go forth ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!!!!

Laughter Yoga

June 17th, 2009


It’s infectious, it’s contageous and I’m so not sorry to say it’s addictive.smiley face images

I will be your crazy instructor taking you through the paces in a playful like manner (ok, so you get to be a kid again – Did you know that children  laugh approx 300-400 times/day compared to adults at about 15-20  times/day).

Laughter yoga is a series of laughing exercises and yogic breathing (No, its not yoga and you don’t have to stretch your legs around your elbows).

Anyone can laugh for absolutely no reason (even grumpy old men) as you don’t even need to have a sense of humour. Practiced repeatedly the benefits physically and emotionally are many. Each session is approximately 30 minutes. Wear comfortable very casual loose clothing. $5/session.

So come and experience this revolutionary idea that is sweeping the world. It’s a complete wellbeing workout. What a great way to start your day!!!!

Share the love of laughter with all your friends and pass this information onto anybody you know that may just need a bit of a heave Ho! Ho! Ha!

You’ll laugh it – I mean love it!!! Tee Hee!!!


PS. Please be on time as the beginning is essential. Register from 9.15am

PLEASE NOTE:  Laughter Yoga is only available for CORPORATE/PERSONAL group bookings until May 1st, 2010. Sorry for any inconvenience.

laughter Yoga Cairns

Either or Thinking

June 17th, 2009

There is a distinction to make when you are experiencing and either/or thinking process. It is this. Are you only coming from two reference points for what you are experiencing? It may manifest as- I do not have choice around a certain state – I either have to be in control or I am out of control, or I have to be separate or doing connection. So notice when it is either one or the other. When this is happening there will be conflict inside and that will probably limit you in the world and limit your decisions and choices.

These states are so limiting in our emotional behaviour and limit our actions that arise from this state.It is important to become aware of when you have it wired up as an either/or. Be willing to look outside the square and imagine looking at your situation expansively with other options and choices.  Begin to witness yourself and observe who you are being and what you are doing when coming from this state. These feelings may not necessarily make you feel comfortable. Look at your beliefs and patterns around how you create your experiences and states of mind or patterns of thinking. Become aware of how we sometimes make it right to suit us (even when its not really suiting us at all) and therefore we so easily make others wrong. Also become aware of other people having these states of mind as well. Sometimes it’s easier to see stuff in others long before we are able to acknowledge and accept it within ourselves.

Our healing will take place when we can look at this and really face it and work with someone to help us unlock the unconscious patterns and write our new script and point of reference..

Eg.-  you may have it wired up that you have to feel safe so there is only a safe state for you to experience and an unsafe state – all things fall into this category – meaning people, places, jobs, feelings work etc.  As a result you are often in control but then feel frustrated that you cannot get some things that you want but continue to be driven by this state and frame you have made.

For us to really prosper and grow we need to start to look at the art of “Simultaneous Thinking”. This concept offers us more choices, it is more expansive, maybe not as controlled. It does involve you connecting your mind-body-spirit and trusting your intuition. At first, you may not feel safe if someone suggests a different way to you. You may go into victim (either physically/mentally or both). Practice receiving another way or opinion and also feel how it would feel if it actually worked even if it initially sounded like the impossible. It’s about re-wiring our thinking. It will take time and feel uncomfortable to start with. It’s also about ASKING to be shown another way and then being open to hear, see or experience this new found learning. It can shift you out of your either/or state – it brings hope. It’s a whole body experience.

As a result of this new found awareness regarding Either/Or thinking  you are able to take action with a real sense of choice and your outcome is more likely to support you fully in your growth.

Parents are people too

June 17th, 2009

When choosing a profession such as a nurse, accountant, a teacher or a builder there are certain qualifications you will need to achieve before you are fully able to present yourself to the world in a competent fashion. Extensive study, theory exams, months of practical experience, acquired tools, techniques and skills are necessary for you to achieve certification, diplomas or degrees in your chosen field.

However when choosing to become a parent there are fewer requirements (ie, intercourse with a partner of the opposite sex, the ability to fall pregnant, carry the child for a period of nine months and deliver this baby into the world) and ‘voila’ – you are a Parent. There is no test to find out whether or not you are compatible with your chosen partner, no one to be accountable to during  pregnancy if you choose not to, no one to mark you on your work(mother-in-laws exempt)  and no compulsory course to grant your competency.  Yes, there is certainly support available to those who choose to use it. There is an overload of information from peers, parents, the media, books and the internet for you to consider. There are experts in the field of human behaviour offering opinions based on research and peoples experiences, and there are experienced  parents  who have gone before us offering advice not knowing if what they have done has been right, wrong, good, bad, indifferent or even enough.

However, the way you choose to parent is completely up to you – it’s your responsibility and it is your choice. As we take on this responsibility particularly for the first time our journey can be rewarding, exciting and fulfilling giving us feelings of joy and fuelling our spirit like never before.  There are times too when it can be challenging, exhausting, mundane and arduous as we struggle to discover what works and what doesn’t for us and our children. We soon learn that whilst some of our ideas, values and beliefs are the same as our partners they can also be different causing confusion and conflict. We learn that ‘yes’ we wanted the baby but where are the instructions for the screaming toddler or the defiant teenager. We soon learn that as parents we take on many smaller roles that fit under the one ‘responsible parenting’ umbrella. (i.e. teacher, nurturer, disciplinarian, taxi driver, night shift worker, chief cook and bottle washer, events organiser, Easter bunny, Santa, football team manager, nurse) to name a few. We do all of these whilst holding down a job and or even parenting alone without the support of a partner. Often we over identify with these roles and in doing so we lose ourselves as Human Beings. We try so hard to be everything to everybody often with little reward or recognition. (Mothers and Fathers day excluded, thank you God). After some time we forget the person we used to be and we often don’t want to admit to the person we have become. Resenting, blaming partners and children for the life or chaos we have created is common and we become a victim of our circumstances as we get stuck on the merry-go-round of life not knowing how to get off. This of course is not to say that we don’t start off with all the right intentions of being organised, having time for self and partner, knowing our responsibilities, finding that right work/life/family balance. However, life often has an uncanny way of getting in the road of our well-formed plans.

If you wish to parent consciously and effectively understanding yourself as a person first is essential. To truly know yourself is key to helping you on the road to mastering all aspects of your life on all levels. Getting to know the real you, spending time accessing your inner essence will lead to being the person you love to be and consequently the parent you aspire to be. It is important to understand your needs – physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and energetically.  Knowing self and being the essence of your true self will ensure that when you present yourself to your children you will be coming from the energy of love.

Echart Tolle says ‘Awareness is the greatest agent for change’. We need to be fully aware of how we are in the NOW and how we are using our energy. Some of the best people to teach us this are our children. Have you ever watched a child building lego or making sandcastles. They are totally focused in the now, creating their masterpiece and trusting in the outcome of their creation.

PHYSCIALLY –  regular exercise of your choice such as yoga, swimming, gym, bike riding or walking outdoors for 30 mins at least 3 times/week  is imperative for your own well-being and you are also being an excellent role model for your children. Playing full out with friends or family is a beautiful way of reconnecting with your own inner child.

MENTALLY, stimulate your mind with information from books, attend self help or parent courses and listen to expert advice that will support your personal growth and the social and emotional well being of yourself and your family.

EMOTIONALLY – Understanding the importance of attending to your emotional needs  and communicating these needs will support your self esteem and confidence as a person and as a parent – your children will learn the benefits of expressing their feelings and communicating their own needs – what a great gift to give them.

SPIRITUALLY, focus on your faith or whatever your beliefs are and spend time daily in some form of prayer, meditation or relaxation – taking time to go inside will support your perceptions and projections in the outside world.

ENERGETICALLY, take the time to notice your own energy and who the energy boosters  and  energy vampires are in your life. You need enormous amounts of energy to Parent effectively and being aware of how both giving and receiving energy assists you in making decisions will only enhance your contribution towards your family.

Prioritising the time to do for self can be challenging and difficult to manage and it is possible providing you are fully committed to YOU. Writing out a ‘needs analysis’ and sharing this with your family will help all of you work together. Having this awareness of your needs helps you get back on track when the normal stresses of life have taken you elsewhere. By choosing to honour yourself first enables you to be a loving, conscious, authentic parent and this in itself is reason to celebrate and embrace the freedom (however brief), love, peace, joy, and aliveness of family life.  Your children will love you for it and be forever greatful. How does it get any better than this?


June 17th, 2009

Are you or do you know a PERFECTIONIST?

The word ‘Perfect’ as defined in the Concise Macquarie Dictionary – in a state of complete excellence without blemish or defect; faultless or ‘the highest degree of excellence’.

Ask yourself – Is this me? – the king or queen of strive and drive. Do your high expectations of yourself and others often lead to anger, resentment, disappointment, criticism and judgementalism?

Perfectionists main focus is on being right and typically they tend to react to what they perceive as being wrong. Other words associated with this personality trait are Controlling, Dominant, Self-righteous, Anger, Low Self Worth (love). When one does not feel good enough or worthy enough you are able to mask this belief through dominant and sometimes bullying behaviour.

Research tell us that what you disapprove of within yourself becomes the focal point when criticising and controlling others. Beware of your “Judge in Action”.

Be aware of the mirror in your own life when you are in full flight judging others. Watch for your physical and verbal reactions when life isn’t the way you want it.

Perfectionists live by a set of standards and rules and assume that everybody has the same rules. Their negative emotions come to the surface when these expectations are not met.

Are your beliefs and rules about life and what the behaviour of others should be like limiting you and your growth?

What are you getting out of the need to control? What’s the payoff for you? Recognition, Attention, exhaustion, Inflated Ego!!

What if everything was already perfect just the way it is right now. What if there were no right or wrongs. What if some things weren’t meant to be finished. What if people weren’t meant to be changed to suit your ideals .What if events were meant to happen.

If life was always perfect when would we ever learn and grow from our experiences. When would we embrace the differences in people. When would we get the learnings and the fun from making mistakes, the serendipitous results from being flexible, the “do it different/better” next time, the efforlessness, the flow of life energy!

How dull life would be if it all went according to plan. Or maybe it is going according to plan. Just not our plan. Just not meeting the expectations of our plan.

Learning the art of allowing and receiving is a great lesson for all of us. The freedom and flow of the life force that comes from this gives you more peace, gratitude and fulfilment that you can imagine.

So, What is the right way. Your way, My way or the Highway? What is right for you may not be right for others.

Remember, life may not always give you what you WANT but it will always give you what you NEED.

Copyright: Angie Quinn


June 17th, 2009

We are all given the same amount of time per day. 24 HRS. Why is it then that some people use their time effectively and efficiently and others are always chasing their tails.. My learnings have taught me that some people are ‘in time’ people – meaning they live in time, are on time and value time. Others are ‘out of time’ people – meaning they sometimes have no concept of time and do not value time as much. Yeah, you know who they are.

There are different archetypes (personality types) when it comes to Time. There’s the PROCRASTINATOR, the CREATOR, the DAY DREAMER, the ACTION MAN, the KING/QUEEN OF EXCUSES, the POSTPONER, the RESISTER, the MASTER, the SLAVE, the WASTER, the UNFINISHED TASKS person. Any of these sound familiar? Which one are you?

From my experience its not so much how we USE or PLAN our time but our BELEIFS about time that can bring us unstuck. What do you believe? – “There’s never enough time” or “Time is Money” or “No time like the present”. There are hundreds of sayings, poems or songs about Time that support our belief system. What you need to do is to challenge yours, seriously.

I’ve discovered there are three Secrets to Success with Time.

The first is “SURRENDER TO THE PRESENT MOMENT” – Learn to Live in the NOW. Training the mind to BE in the moment can be challenging. Many people use the art of Meditation to help them achieve this. I also believe that if your not meditating ( bit hard at work or surrounded by screaming kids, yeah) it can be difficult to Stop your thoughts. It is a more natural state for the mind to experience thoughts coming and going as it takes willpower to actually STOP them. However, its when we give them meaning and then add pictures we entertain our mind and its here we lose the present moment or our focus. However, have you ever noticed when you focus on the task at hand, completely immerse yourself in it, give it relevant meaning, create a vision of the end result that you can make time stand still. You’re actually surprised you achieved all you did in the time that you had.


There are many rules to follow here and it is a matter of which suits you personally.

Either * First Things First

  • ABC Order of Priority
  • The Time Quadrant (Urgent/Important, Urgent/Not Important etc)
  • The 4 D’s (Deal with It, Delegate It, Divert It or Ditch It)

For me,  I turned my whole life around when I started using my Diary for absolutely everything. Educating all the members of my family to use it too and enter in their activities on a weekly basis made life run a lot smoother. DIARIES AND TO DO LISTS are a great tool to help you plan ahead and is also a visual confirmation of the structure of the day/mth/yr or event etc. Having the willpower and discipline to use it religiously proved trying (apologies to my chiro for missing that appt) but persistence won out in the end.


Establish a belief system that serves you. Educate yourself about time. Learn from others who have mastered the art. Eliminate time-wasting activities. Find out what time of the day you are more effective and efficient and use this to your advantage. Affirm daily ” I have more than enough time to achieve all the things I set out to do”.

Make all of this your new mindset and then you’ll have plenty of time to rest and then maybe after that just do nothing.

Angie Quinn