Parent Education
“Children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”
Angie Quinn assists people in navigating their journey of parenting with passion and purpose. Angie works with Parents, Primaries and Teens. Her unique, insightful and intuitive approach supports your child to understand their core issues and recognise their true nature and purpose through the process of transformation to create change, choice and happiness in their lives. Her authentic, honest, common sense approach combined with her compassionate gently framed suggestions offers the time poor parent of the 21st century the necessary tools, techniques and evidence based principles and practices to help you parent consciously and effectively.
Is your child experiencing?
- Low self-esteem and confidence
- Lack of motivation and direction
- Bullying
- Peer pressure
- Difficulty navigating the child-teen journey
- Body Image Issues
Would you like them to:
- Function and communicate from a place of feeling empowered
- Love themselves and contribute to their family environment
- Trust their own innate wisdom knowledge and talents and reach their potential
- Make choices that are true for them
As A Parent
- Are you parenting consciously or from old programming
- Are you a time poor parent looking for skills , tools and techniques to effectively parent your children at any age
- Can you talk to your kids so they listen
- Can you listen to your kids so they talk
- Do you need support with sole parenting
- Are you parenting from the Power of Love or the Love of Power
- Are you on information overload with parenting ideas and don’t know where to start
Angie is a qualified Youth Worker, Teacher Aide (Special Needs), Facilitator of Parent Effectiveness Training and Coach with her main field of interest being in Child and Adolescent Development.